Starting point
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It was early in the fall of 2007 that an inspiring tenement was found, but it took no less than 13 months for a former industrial space to be transformed into a multi functional stage for arts and art orientated workshops. It not only took time but also a lot of labour, in most cases voluntary.

We would like to express our thanks to:

Gina Moulaki –architect

Nikos Papadimitriou – viticulturist

Haris Papadopoulos –owner of photocopy centre “Βandiera Rossa”

Kiki Stamatogianni –in the middle of her Doctoral Thesis in Thessaloniki Law School

Tatiana Tseliga – – Fine Arts School of Thessaloniki

Katerina Tsiokana

Odey Al Hilali

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Salonica 2007.
• Typically, art orientated events are part of cultrural institutions (festivals, etc.).
• Smaller, independant artistic attempts even of high performance are not sufficiently supported. Sooner or later their sustainability becomes unaffordable.
• In the last decades numerous immigrants have settled in Salonica enhancing the population in numbers, yet refusing or being refused integration.
• Most locals live, think and amuse themselves in a rather conservative way.
From this transformation of the city landscape stimulated ideas that would later give birth to «peirama».

You can subscribe to PEIRAMA’s newsletter as to be timely informed about our “experiments”.Subscribe to PEIRAMA newsletter 

Nowadays, PEIRAMA is active in:

• Organizing extraordinary workshops which address everyone.

• Staging performances, events, concerts, presentations, parties… on its own devices or in collaboration with other groups.

• Contributing by offering the venue, material infrastructure etc. for events organized by other groups.

• …and is always open to new proposals and ideas.

You are free to contact us via our e-mail: [email protected]

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PEIRAMA arts centre
18 Valaoritou St. – 7th Floor
2310 533859


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· Above everything, «peirama» (=experiment) is all about experimentation.

· Peirama is dedicated to the idea of promoting amateurs in arts and the belief that creativity is a human right.

· In time peirama may be the starting point where people who share the same interests and goals can meet and interact with each other.

· Peirama wants to emphasise the long forgotten yet amazingly rich multicultural past of Salonica – which could even be compared to the melting pot that produced New York!

· Peirama is committed to opposing racism through art.

· The main vehicle that Peirama will make use of to evolve and achieve is cooperation with other people, other groups, other countries and cultures.

These goals and aspirations comprise the draft of the Articles of Peirama, as a non profit organisation.


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